Fotos de las Fuerzas Armadas en 2017 (II)

Honor, amistad, lealtad, compañerismo, esfuerzo, sacrificio, patriotismo, devoción, amor y un montón de valores quedan reflejados en estas fotos por quienes mejor los encarnan.
- A U.S. Army AH-64D Apache Attack Helicopter, assigned to the 1-151st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, flies in front of a wall of fire during the South Carolina National Guard Air and Ground Expo at McEntire Joint National Guard Base, South Carolina, May 6, 2017. This expo is a combined arms demonstration showcasing the abilities of South Carolina National Guard Airmen and Soldiers while saying thank you for the support of fellow South Carolinians and the surrounding community. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Tech. Sgt. Jorge Intriago)