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Tag Archives: Hispanics

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Hispanic Republicans of Texas

Some of the most interesting and dynamic initiatives in American politics have to do with Hispanics. Groups and organizations are trying to reach our community from every possible angle because of the enormous benefits that having our support implicates in terms of votes, social integration,

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Spirit Awards

Awards synthesize our professional achievements in a symbolic way. In a strongly competitive culture like that of the United States, awards are an important encouragement, motivation, and honor bestowed for effort and a job well done. Some awards are losing prestige as they are devalued

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Spirit Awards

Los premios sintetizan de una forma simbólica los logros que conseguimos en el ámbito profesional. En una cultura como la estadounidense, fuertemente competitiva, los premios son un aliciente importante, una motivación y, sobre todo, una recompensa honorífica por el esfuerzo y el trabajo bien hechos.

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Hispanic Poverty in Colorado

One of the great challenges that we must address in this country is the economic gap that still separates Hispanics from the white community. Especially troubling is recent data concerning child poverty that situates Hispanic Americans among the most poverty stricken. While this is a

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Hispanics and the Environment

If America’s more than 47 million Hispanics are the determining factor in many aspects of American life, it follows that their interests and worries will increasingly leave their mark on America’s political agenda. As recent studies demonstrate, Hispanics are committed to protecting the environment, changing

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Literacy Program for Hispanics

The successful integration of Hispanic immigrants into American society is a crucial challenge for the nation, because future prosperity, as well as employment and educational opportunities for millions of people, depend on it. So it follows that programs and initiatives supporting immigrants’ education from the

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The Tomorrow Fund

Education is a field in which politics and private initiatives can contribute substantially to the improvement of our country as a whole as well as the progress of individual citizens. Specifically, the education of Hispanics presents stimulating challenges that must be faced with courage and

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AP Exams

A few weeks ago, the 6th Annual AP Report to the Nation was published by the College Board. The report makes reference to the growing number of Hispanic students successfully completing AP Exams, in the period from 2004 to 2009. Florida, a state with one

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The Latino Partnership

Among recent efforts to recruit conservative Hispanic voters in the United States, “Latino Partnership” stands out as an initiative put into effect by the American Principles Project. This particular initiative attempts to channel the conservative Hispanic vote that is so necessary to maintain conservatives’ and

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