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Tag Archives: Texas

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Hispanic Republicans of Texas

Some of the most interesting and dynamic initiatives in American politics have to do with Hispanics. Groups and organizations are trying to reach our community from every possible angle because of the enormous benefits that having our support implicates in terms of votes, social integration,

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Hispanic voters and Candidates

As one of the great states of the Union, Texas has always marked tendencies in politics and culture. At the moment, an important element that can determine the composition of the political parties that fight for the citizens’ votes is at play in Texas where

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Ex President Bush

George W. Bush se dirigió a sus simpatizantes a su llegada a Texas, con la satisfacción y el orgullo de haber servido a su país en tiempos de guerra y haberlo protegido frente a la amenaza terrorista. Sentido común, coherencia, y sentido del humor de

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